August 2017 News from ICPA Executive Director, Jennifer Towner

Dear Members and Industry Affiliates,

I hope everyone has had a pleasant and profitable summer!

I had the pleasure of visiting with many of our manufacturer and supplier members in Ohio, Indiana, Michigan and Kentucky, and all told of increase in their business. Great news for them and for our industry! I plan on taking a couple more trips this fall before POLYCON Chicago 2018 planning goes into full swing.

Membership packets were mailed out this month to all those who have renewed their membership.  You should also have received your exclusive login and password to obtain all the valuable resources available only to ICPA members, at the ICPA website. If you haven’t gone out there to see what’s available to you as members, please check it out soon!

As we continue to improve our website and other communication media, we are in the beginning stages of creating a member’s forum page on the website.  This will be an opportunity for ICPA members to ask our industry member experts questions, have discussions surrounding challenges and the breakthroughs in our industry, and to buy and sell equipment.  If anyone would desire to be a part of the committee building this site, please contact me.  We would love your help as we continue Moving Forward with Forward Thinking!

As always, if I can be of any assistance to you please feel free to contact me.

