Arriving this Fall: the first Technical/Regulatory issue of Cast Polymer Connection

Arriving this Fall: the first Technical/Regulatory issue of Cast Polymer Connection

Look for a special issue of Cast Polymer Connection mailing in mid-September that focuses on some of the technical and regulatory issues the industry is currently addressing. This edition of the magazine is one many members may want to keep on their bookshelves for future reference.

Here’s a quick wrap-up of what to expect:

Government expert John Schweitzer of the ACMA provides an update on some of the key events occurring in the nation’s capital today that promise to affect the industry for years to come. Among what he covers is the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) new communications standards on dust hazards and the latest developments with the Environmental Protection Agency and state agencies related to styrene and other shop materials. Industrial hygiene expert Kay Rountree provides an overview on respirable dust issues including what OSHA has to say while consultant Kelly DeBusk gives specific guidance to companies on what they can do to prepare for an OSHA inspection. The head of ICPA’s technical committee Paul Henderson reports on ASNI standards on baths and sinks.

Expect to see this special issue in your inbox about the third week in September.

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