September Letter from Executive Director Jennifer Towner

From the September Monthly Insider-

Dear Members and Industry Affiliates,
The new and improved Cast Polymer Connection will be arriving in your mail this coming week. I did not include a link to the digital version in order to not spoil the surprise, but I think you will find that this is one of the best issues in quite some time!  Thank you to our advertisers, all the contributors, and our editor Genilee Parente. A digital version will be available on our website next week. In the meantime, enjoy the print version!
As you will read in the president’s letter in the up-coming magazine, Luke Haas describes his goal to transform the ways our association uses technology to improve our flow of ideas.
One way to do this is to develop a forum, or discussion board, for our members on the website. We are in the planning stages of developing that now. We need your help to make this an effective tool for our members. If you are interested in joining the Communication and Technology Team or want to just hear more about this exciting strategy and how you can assist, please contact me. This is a exciting and fun opportunity to become involved in the growth of the association!
Happy Fall everyone!
Best Regards,
Jennifer Towner