July 2016 Letter from Executive Director, Jennifer Towner

Dear Members,
I am excited to report that 98% of our members have renewed for the coming year and we have added several new members in the past few months! My goal for August is to renew the few remaining companies and to have over 50 manufacturer members. This is an important target, as once we have 50 or more manufacturer members we will have achieved the milestone to receive our second round of funds from our reserves. At this writing we are only 6 manufacturers short of that goal!  But we won’t stop there! The membership drive and growth will continue through the year to where The ICPA is a strong and self-sustaining organization.
There are many ways you can support and help your fellow members and the industry.
First, reach out to those in our industry that you have a relationship with who are currently not members. Tell them of the value in being a part of the association. Direct them to our website for information about the association or to me or any Board member as we would be pleased to talk with them personally. It is most important to let them know the value of the support they will receive when they are facing issues with regulations, production problems, staffing concerns, have need for quality and technical documents, and more. I have been able to direct many manufacturers to individuals within our association with the expertise to answer their questions or help solve their problems. Our members are not alone!
Second, our new Board has established two standing committees for the coming year. Volunteer to be a part of one of these committees. Our Technical/Education Committee is led by Ken Lipovsky of Reichhold and Larry Branan of RJ Marshall. They are looking for members who are committed to maintaining the high quality standards of our products and services. The Marketing/Communication Committee is led by Sean Jacobs of ACS International and Bobby Medlin of Majestic Kitchen & Bath Creations. They are seeking members excited about growing our membership and improving our association communication through our website, e-newsletter, social media and MasterCast™ Connection magazine. Luke Haas of Elite Marble is heading up our POLYCON 2017 Committee, and Ken Legenza of Interplastic is leading the team to nominate the slate of individuals voted on by the Board to be honored at POLYCON for their contributions this year to our association and our industry. If you are interested in serving your association within any of these committees, please contact me or any of these committee chairmen.
This year is off to a great start. I look forward to serving you as we are Moving Forward with Forward Thinking!
Kind regards,